I have been surfing the Internet at home for many many years now..well, what do you expect..since I run my craft business at home and now that I have a son and being a Work-At-Home-Mom, I have no other best place to surf the Internet but my bedroom.

However I am not using P1 Wimax because when we moved to the current home last year, they don’t have service in this area. I am currently using Maxis Broadband until May (as per the contract) before we plan to subscribe to Streamyx (again!)

I bought a side table from IKEA and it fits my laptop and mouse nicely. It is supposed to be some kind of serving tray for living room but it works fine for my surfing purpose. I could put a desk and chair in the bedroom as my workstation but so far this arrangement is the best for me. Oh, I sit on the bed while doing all my online tasks, replying email, updating website and blogging.

And if the connection is really slow, I hardly waste time but resort to reading book, drink Milo, or even sew beads on my attire..haha! I can even clip my nails while waiting for the page to load. And when the time permits, and the little one is not making fuss about the time I spend surfing, I check out my Nuffnang earning and see whether there is any good opportunity to increase my monthly online income such as writing a post like this for Project Alpha..heh!
Project Alpha Season 2 is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS