What Does A “Stay-At-Home-Mom” Put On Her Resume?

Honestly I haven’t updated my resume since my last job in 2004. There were many occasions that I felt compelled to update mine but half way through I didn’t manage to complete it.

And that was way, way before the time I have a baby.

Yesterday, while doing the horoscope for child-parent, I came across this question on babycenter.com..

It’s not that I want to go back to work anytime soon, it’s just make me wonder, one day if I have to do so, what do I put in to fill the time gap?

Mothering is certainly the toughest job in the world, but how much it is valued in the real working world? Does it make any significance in term of salary, package, benefits etc of the new job that you want to get?

Do all the skills we accumulate throughout the years of bringing up our children will impress the interviewers?

What do you think? For those with experiences, please share.

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