I’m Done With….

For this Hari Raya, I’m done with all these preparations:

1. I have cleaned the old plastic, decorated containers and filled up with Raya cookies.

2. I’ve decided to cook nasi daging, ayam masak merah, kari daging, rendang ayam and acar timun for Raya dishes instead of the simple bihun goreng.

3. Will go to pasar borong on Sunday to buy beef and other ingredients to cook those dishes.

4. Hopefully there will be stalls selling lemang on the eve of Hari Raya, so that we can have lemang with my rendang ayam.

5. I have cleaned the room downstairs so that whoever coming will have place to solat.

6. I need to clean the toilet downstairs, scrub the sink and brush the toilet floor in case anyone need to go to the loo..heh!

7. Hubby needs to get ice from 7 Eleven and buy KFC for Niece (she’s fussy with other people’s cooking) since SIL and the rest of her family are coming on Raya morning.

Emmm..what else do I miss here..


  1. Zino, selamat hari raya n maaf zahir batin! Preparation dah ready, pelaksanaan keje2 memasak je yg belum..tunggu hari Selasa..heh!

  2. Hello
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