Rainy, Lazy Day..

I woke up to the stinking smell of kepala udang..huhu..went to Jusco to get more groceries last night, and surprisingly harga barang mentah damn expensive..huhu..bought 2 ketam at RM15++, half a kg of sotong for RM11++, 2 slices of tenggiri at RM9++ …huhu..patut la SIL said harga semua dah naik..I never notice that until last night when the budak Jusco timbang ketam tu said, RM15 ni kak..tak pe ke? Dah nak mkn kan, takkan nak ckp tak nak la..huhu..gratefully we have the money to afford such food, bayangkan those with small income and big family to feed..how do they survive with the current economic situation..kesian kan…

Anyway, last night I find it difficult to fall asleep..2 times went to bathroom to pee..I finally dozed off around 4am and woke up at 2:15pm..it was raining outside that’s why feel like sleeping some more..best kan tak payah keje, tak payah nak kena bgn pagi2 mcm org lain..heheh!

I am still feeling very lazy to buang the sampah..malas nak bukak pagar, but I think somehow I have to..semua lalat langau ni dah terbang keliling aku dah ni…need to take some serai from the lawn as well..serai beli kat Jusco tu mcm tak cukup je..today nak cook rendang ayam..heh!

One comment

  1. Yup, semua rege brg dah naik.
    Even kami yg 4 org ni pun, Bos kata cukup2 je berbelanja sekeluarga dgn gaji dia sebulan tu.

    Teringat masa mengandung Najmi dl, suka sgt makan seafood,dah teringin sgt nk makan sambal sotong tau2 je kena sampai RM8 bukan besar mn pun saiz sotong tu takkan nak tuang balik dalam bekas tu.Pejam mata bayar je lah…

    Hehehe mmg seronok, tp nntkan mcm sy ni tau2 je Nazihah yg kejutkan ibu dia srh bangun dah terbalik pulak dah…

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