I remember almost 2 decades ago (the time when I went to school), parents sent their school going children to well known tuition centre in the hope that their children will score great results in Penilaian Darjah 5 later became UPSR, then SRP later known as PMR and of course the big SPM! Though most children show improvement in their performance in school and the main exam, some simply waste parents’ money by “belajar main-main” and later hang out at shopping mall with friends.
The trend in education is pretty much the same now. Parents still fork out large chunks of money to spend on sending their children to good reputable tuition centres…and the rate per subject in big city like KL is like RM60-80 per month…(imagine if you have 3 children taking big exam in the same year and each need tuition for 3-4 subjects..isk!) Those who want extra attention and privacy (and can afford) even hire private tutors to come and teach their children at home.
But what if you as the parents could be a part of the learning tools, not only financially but physically take part monitoring and gauging how well (or not well) your son/daughter is doing. You don’t have to wait until the trial exam results come out and being asked to come to school to collect report card (and later feel frustrated because your precious child is not performing). You have the option now.

It’s called Webucation – education and knowledge delivered 100% via the Internet. Imagine not having to rush here and there to send off your child from school, to home, to tuition centre, back to home again..or not having to force your child to sleep early on Friday night because he/she has to wake up early on weekend to go to tuition.
And being a non morning person myself, I always hate to wake up and learn during the time of the day when my mind is not at its optimum level to grasp new lessons. I spent 5 years in boarding school and not once I was able to (really!) study during the afternoon prep time (although I obediently attended every compulsory session and slept through the hours in my baju kurung sekolah, with my head dozing off on the meja sekolah) Thankfully there were night prep time and extension hour till 11p.m (for PMR year) and later 12a.m (for SPM year) for me to stay up and study.

My point is everybody has different optimal time to study. With something like online tuition, I can study anytime, anywhere I want as long as there’s Internet connection and a laptop. I wonder how my result would be like if I have that kind of approach 15 years ago…not that I have any regret since I did score 4A’s for my UPSR, 8A’s for my PMR, and 7A’s with single aggregate for my SPM.
But things could be nicer for our future children, right? Or are you still holding on to the old value of educating children with real teachers/tutors and piles of text/reference books and past years exam papers?
P/S: Oh, for those who are interested in this new trend of webucation, feel free to contact me for more info.
so u are into this as well. gud luck bebes.