Beading On Baju Kurung

I’ve got my baju raya from tailor last Saturday. And now I am contemplating whether to sew beads on it. I have been researching several designs from other beaders online, but it seems that the design I like will need me to spend a lot of hours beading it..which won’t be a problem if I don’t have a little fella here to take care of..huhu!

Oh, the liberty of childless years, boleh suka suki buat apa yang terlintas di even the visit to the loo has to be done in split second while he’s sleeping (or in the morning, before he’s awake)

Coming back to the beading topic, I feel really tempted to jahit Swarovski on the baju raya. I think I still have some beads left from the time I tried to make bracelets a few years back. Checking out one design on Glamstarz fotopages, she used about 800 pieces of 4mm biconne..(if I were to jahit that on my baju kurung raya rasa macam tak berbaloi sebab lagi mahal beads dari harga kain..huhu!)

I think I will end up beading something simpler. I will save my Swarovski dream on something that costs 300 or more..keh! keh!


  1. aku masa IK kecik2 dulu, mmg baju plain habis. takde beading2 ni semua. sbb payah nak deal dgn si kecik tu. kang dia tergesel ke, tertarik ke or sengaja tarik ke, gigit ke ikut sedap dia..

  2. bab manik ni, blm start lagi.. ingat nanti nak beli jubah kosong pastu baru buh manik… buat simple jer.. tahun lps, nur punyalah giler manik.. hbs semua baju nur dan nabilah kalu bulih semua nak buh manik.. hehehe

  3. wow u can bead? cool…i love to see beaded kurung. tapi at the moment have to be enuf with plain kurung. my son dah suka tarik2 my brooch and all. but lately i did asked one boutique for beading charges & surprised they charge up to rm800 for!

  4. dwimaya, tu la aku pon kena jahit yg simple aje, kang terbonjol kena muka luka plak, kalau yg tergantung2 tu kena tarik naya je, terburai manik di jalanan..

    nur, bila nak beli jubah tu? eheh..

    fabmama, i can manage to bead simple design..boleh la to save some money..heh!

    nana, sempat tu jahit, ada 2 minggu lagi ni..hehe!

  5. Salam all. I memang dah lama teringin nak jahit beads yang canggih manggih kat baju. Dah macam2 buku kat MPH i tengok. Cuma takde chan lagi nak start. Macam mana nak find the will to start ya?? lagipun si kecik masih breast-feeding, kang baru jahit sebijik manik, dah nak kena menyusu.. hehee.. cayalah to you all yang dah berjaya jahit manik sendiri.

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