He’s Teething?

I finally have some quiet time for myself….sigh! Over the weekend, my son has been acting strangely cranky. We thought he has fever, even brought him to the medical centre at 11pm on Sunday for fear that he was running a high fever. But when the MO checked, the temperature was normal..huhu! (His usual paed was on leave on Sunday and even Monday as Monday was public holiday)

He was even reluctant when it comes to breastfeeding, sometimes prefer to chew rather than suck. He put his fingers into his mouth, scratch his ears and cheeks which made me thought he has ear infection. I was worried of something worse like meningitis since he hasn’t got his Pneumococcal shot yet. Then I thought maybe he is actually teething. Read the childcare book and it was clear that all the signs he got are for teething. Thank God! Although it seems too early for his age but since both of us are kind of early bloomers, it does make sense..heh!

On Monday I bought teether and today he seems to get the hang of it..heh! Of course he is still cranky and whiny every now and then, even being very clingy and needy. I hope the first tooth will cut through very soon but then when the time comes, I will surely miss his gummy, toothless smile..huhu!


  1. get a thermometer la, so xyah rush ke klinik everytime. hehe… pastu kannnn, bila dah ada gigi kena careful sket time BF tuh

  2. bukan nak teething lagi, paed kata dedar sebab eczema dia tu..buat dia tak tentu arah..tapi sekarang dah ok sejak aku guna BUDS, lotion and bath, bagus product tu..

    kalau ada thermometer pon aku akan still rush ke klinik sebab takut kalau benda2 lain yg lagi teruk terjadi..ye la kalau dah melalak2 sampai tak leh nak pujuk..cuak wooo…

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