Soon To Be Home..

Hopefully we can move in as soon as possible.

The house has been completed and now the developer is waiting for the CF to be approved. Once they hand over the keys, we can start renovating – installing fans, lighting, grill whatever is essential in order for us to move in.

I think the plan to install the kitchen cabinet has to be postponed until we have enough budget. My dream kitchen cabinet costs around 20K not inclusive of kitchen appliances like hood, hob, oven etc.

Hopefully Hubby will get great bonus and salary increment this year..hehe..Amin!


  1. cantiknya!! aku suka sgt! best nya nak pindah umah baru. now i have to make up my mind mana aku nak bermastautin nih!

  2. Tahniah, akhirnya akan memiliki rmh idaman. Last wk tgk rmh contoh kat area Bt Pahat wah patutlh suamiku admire sgt rmh tu developer dia Asiatic anak syarikat Genting tu….tp sume lot dah hbs so kn tunggu 2nd phase entah 2-3 tahun lg….klu ada rezki beli lah nnt
    Smoga dpt cabinet idaman tu..n take care

  3. nan, ok apa taraf mastautin ko mcm sekarang..hahaha..ada rumah hinggap during weekend and umah time weekdays..

    yin, mmg susah nak jumpa rumah idaman..bila dah dpt kena usaha lebih pulak utk isi dgn cabinet, perabot, appliances idaman pulak..hehehe..

  4. betul kan sebenarnya apa ko cakap. perhaps i should ‘upgrade’ umah hinggap weekend aku tuh jd taraf resort skit. baru la rasa mcm pegi bercuti!

  5. i think our house will be like ‘padang bola’ for the time being.. hahhaha
    nk psg benda2 yg penting dulu…

  6. nana, padang bola pon ok apa..senang anak nak main…hehe..kitorang plak kena buang byk junk dlm rumah sekarang ni..nak angkut yg mana penting dan berguna je, tak nak semakkan umah baru 🙂

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