Well, I’m answering a question posted by a commenter here. How do I get money by blogging through PayPerPost?
After more than a year, I managed to get more than USD3k from PPP. Check out this screen shot.

I’m not sure for those who join PPP this year that you might be able to make as much as that, but you can always try to look out for the opps.
But of course in order to qualify for the opps, you need to get your blog qualified first. I have a long list of unsuccessful referees. The reason that their blogs are not approved could be varied but I suspect that a few basic requirements are not met, thus the non-approval. First of all your blog must be written in English, at least 20 posts in 3 months. You can’t expect to write one day and not update your blog for weeks. I know that this blog has many non English entries, but once I started to blog for money, I make sure that at least the 3 months entries were written in English.
I have a referee who blogs on free platform like blogspot, and now she’s earning enough to buy items on eBay. So when you sign up your blog to PayPerPost, make sure that you already have 20 English entries and your blog is more than 3 months old. Once your blog has been approved, do look out for the opps from time to time. Once the first opps that you write get approved and you get your pay 30 days later, I will get the referral fee. Until then, you will stay in my pending list of referees…heh!