The 2008 Aidilfitri

The celebration started with all the cooking (although I did not manage to snap any pictures..huhu) I totally forgot to take the Raya feast pictures and only realized that when I was cleaning up all the dishes at night.

We successfully made our first time ketupat palas this year and the feedback from those who ate them was generally good. Next year we might be doing more compared to 2 pot susu of beras pulut we made this year. SIL brought some of the ketupat home together with my rendang ayam.

Even my nasi daging got good response from my aunt who asked for the recipe. We did invite few friends over but perhaps most of them were busy with family gathering. Later in the afternoon we went to SIL house and had her usual Raya lontong.

The sad part during this Raya was I fell sick during the second day..came down with cold and fever and since the panel clinic was closed, I have to make do with Panadol for the night. We went to the clinic on the 3rd Raya and now as I am writing this entry, I’m feeling better except for the stuffy nose.

So how’s your Raya celebration this year?


  1. eh beb, ajar aku buat ketupat daun palas tuh. rafiz’s fav! bg resipi or cara2 ke apa kat aku tau.. email me..

  2. Raya ke-3, Najmi n my hubby dah demam smp x larat nk bangun dah x dpt beraya..
    This year raya kat Kota Tinggi, hubby yg balut ketupat palas…
    Tekak pun dah mula rasa semacam..emm mcm dah tiba giliran je…
    Take care…

  3. yin, org johor mkn ketupat palas jugak ek? ingatkan mkn ketupat nasi dgn lontong..heheh..

    zino, tahun depan ajak la anak menantu balut ketupat palas..senang je pon..

    nan, aku dah bagi recipe..buat jgn tak buat..hahaha…

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