The Pregnancy Headache

I will be going for detailed scan tomorrow (Friday afternoon). I thought the detailed scan is the 3D scan but the nurse told me that 4D(?) scan can only be done during 28th it makes me confused but Hubby said it’s OK we will go again when the time comes.

Well, if there is one thing I hate the most during this pregnancy (apart from the morning sickness), it’s the frequent headache and the blurred vision I seem to be getting almost every time. I tried not to be hungry because hunger always make my head ache pre pregnancy but now even a tummy full of food is not helping..huhu! I wear my specs most of the time when I am out of the house or while watching the TV but still it doesn’t help much. 22 more weeks to go and I hope the time flies fast.

Have been telling myself, an only child is not that bad. Though occasionally I’m thinking that a pair would be great, but to go through another pregnancy, and the next one will be after I turn 30..huhu! I can’t imagine..sob!

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