
*This post is written for NetAudioAds Pay-Per-Play*

For those who have blogs, this is the chance for you to earn money from those visitors who come to read your blog or website. Check out this Net Audio Ads link as you can earn more money without getting additional visitors to your website. Plus you don’t need them to click anything to get the money.

This NetAudioAds Pay-Per-Play (PPP) advertising works on a bid management system similar to Google AdWords and will compensate publishers just like Google AdSense but with one critical difference – the website (blog) owners will earn revenue on 100% of their traffic.

What you do is simply paste a small piece of Javascript code to every page of your website that you want your visitors to hear a brief 5 second audio advertisement.

The best part is each visitor will hear only 1 ad and each time an ad is played, you are paid. It’s like your blog is now a billboard with audio advertisement that caters to specific interests, demographics and geographic locations.

Those advertisers (some are big one like Harley Davidson or Taco Bell) will use your blog or website to place their 5 second audio ad and in return you will get paid. They used to advertise on TV and other commercial platforms but now with the Internet revolution, the market is bigger and better (and I guess must be way cheaper) and yet very effective.

What an easy way to earn easy money from your blog, huh! Better than some pyramid scheme or credit card fraud. As long as it’s legal money, nobody could sue you for trying, right! After all it’s your blog, when you can earn some why not go for it.


  1. kena test dulu la sebulan dua baper income buleh masuk, kalau ok, boleh la teruskan, kalau tak byk mana, buang aje la code tu..hehe..

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