Choosing An IT Career Path

At the moment since I have no big project ongoing, I’m helping a friend who is doing her master degree in IT to complete the final thesis. I was thinking if I was inclined to IT and technical skills perhaps by now I am doing my own master thesis as well, but as you guys have read in this blog, my interest and passion is in crafts and business related to it.


Anyway, for those climbing up the corporate ladder in IT path, I think it is best if you get certification. With the technology changes as fast moving as now, it is crucial to keep abreast with the latest in the market and the only way to do so is by getting yourself a continuous education.

Of course you need to be aware of what specialization you would want to invest your time and energy into. Get as much information about different IT certification so that you wouldn’t feel like you are wasting your precious time, pursuing something which in the end you realize you have no passion in.

After all considering what school to further your studies and how good the quality of the IT programs they offer will ensure that you have the strong motivation to attend the classes especially after a long day at work and the weekend time that you have to sacrifice.


  1. just wanted to know, for pay per post how do they make the payment? if you can make an entry on how to setup the account and what not.. that would be better? 😉

  2. zino, kalau ada yg pandai IT sorang pon dah cukup kat rumah tu..boleh jugak jadi tempat rujukan..hehe

    tinn tinn, I think if you check their website, PPP already explain how to set up the account and how they pay to bloggers etc.

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