I have typed what I would like to say about brown rice but in the middle of saving and continue editing, my server has problem. I feel like changing my hosting plan with some other local hosting company. I hate when it occurs especially when I’m in the middle of submitting paid posts.
Well, come back to this rice story, I have checked the packaging and it says nothing about brown rice. It says about hi-fibre rice, the brand is Somali and something like Cambodian rice plantation. So is it really brown rice or what? Anyone who has experience and knowledge about this Somali brand rice, please share.
My review for this rice, I don’t like the taste of it…haha! Hubby ate a bowl since he was starving for supper late that night while I was fast asleep. So when I woke up the following morning, I tried to gobble a plate but couldn’t take it. So I ended up driving to the nasi lemak stall by the roadside and bought a packet for breakfast.
There goes my attempt for healthy eating. Luckily I cooked a pot of normal rice that evening, or otherwise we had nothing to eat with my fish dish. So bye brown rice, hope the rice weevil will have good time eating you..haha!