Whose new PC?

Talking about impulsive buying…Wednesday I went to send order of bunga telur to my friend in TPM, since Hubby was on leave, we decided to go to Sunway. He was looking for additional RAM for his notebook. After a bowl of Vietnamese Beef Noodle and a slice of Mango Delight at Secret Recipe, I was feeling upbeat and energetic enough to go round the IT centre, except for the damn shoes that always make my feet hurts.

The 1GB one piece DDR was not available in Sunway Pyramid. So I made some wise decision to go to Low Yat…hahaha..in the car we decided that I should upgrade my 4-year old PC. Buy new motherboard, graphic card, since I can still use my old processor, RAM etc.

But what happened in Low Yat was a different story. Since Hubby was not sure what type of motherboard could go with my old processor, you see we were not well prepared this time, usually the trip for IT buying will only happen after thorough research on what type, what brand, what specs etc..so I made additional impulsive decision to simply buy another processor to go with the mobo, and 1GB RAM to go with my new CPU, hahahha…and Hubby was thrilled since there was a 1GB one piece DDR for his notebook.

At last we reached home and Hubby realized that his notebook could not support that one piece 1GB DDR. Pity him! I too forgot that certain notebook could only support 256MB and 512MB. Well it’s OK. It will be another trip this evening to Low Yat to exchange that 1GB to 2 pieces of 512MB DDR. Hopefully we can exchange that.

Oh, my PC is running fine and I am finally able to move the Sims. For all the years I’ve been wanting to play the Sims2 without much problem, I realized that I’m not into it anymore. Now that I have a strong PC and better graphic card to support all these gaming frenzy, I will go hunting for new game next time.

Thanks Hubby for my new PC. I sure consider it as an early birthday gift from you….an additional one would be appreciated too..muahahaha…


  1. ezan: alah dah sampai masa dah nak tuka pc tu..last sekali tuko pc time final year tau..bagi chance aa nak main game..hahaha

    zino: pc baru pon blom tentu rajin nak tulis blog..tapi sekarang cuba la jugak update hari2 sebab tau ada org selalu menjenguk..hehehe

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