Have You Tried Scrapbooking?

I’m not sure how many of you have tried scrapbooking but I’m sure many have heard about such hobby.

I started it somewhere in 2005 (I think) and even now I still do scrapbook layout every now and then, and of course if there’s any good challenge/contest to enter. The great thing about entering such challenge is that you’ll have the chance to win more scrapbooking stash or voucher from the online scrapbooking companies..heh!

The real scrapbooking materials are not really cheap. If you buy in a local scrapbooking store, some paper can go as high as RM8 per piece. Most of the papers used in scrapbooking are acid free which means it won’t turn yellow after many years. I still have so many unused paper collection as the result of my hoarding habit for the past 7 years…heh!

Sometimes when I don’t really have time to make a full size scrapbook layout, I used those papers and embellishment to make bookmark like this.

So what’s your hobby?


  1. i love scrapbooking, tapi barang2 utk scrapbooking is piling up,tak tau nk organize macamana so last2 semua masuk kotak.. huhu~

  2. mmg akan piling up..I usually sumbat a bit of everything in a work-in-progress box, bila nak buat punggah2 cari yg sesuai dgn theme and color coordination, bila tak jumpa jugak yg sesuai, terpaksa bongkar lagi kat kotak2 lain..every time I dig thru the stash rasa best gila sbb ada mcm2 benda menarik yg lupa penah beli/dpt..hahaha..

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