I have been bitten by the crochet bug these days…except for the few days of my down time since I got high fever and terrible sore throat after nursing dear son back to health.

This one was crocheted using DMC Babylon No. 10, which is slightly thicker than the normal thread you will use for sewing. Tell you it was such a challenge, harder than the normal thicker yarn.
Last weekend I spent some more money buying materials in Daiso – embroidery floss, felt, hair clip and even needles. Hey, you got to have needles with bigger eye so that those yarn can pass through..heh!
I have tried sewing buttons on top of all the 5 petals flowers that pass my standard..now it’s time to turn them into embellishment on cards. I have also found easy instructions to crochet butterflies and heart, would make perfect decoration on cards, tags or bookmark.
I have been spending many hours of waking time after son sleep at night, browsing through Ravelry – a community site, an organizational tool, and a yarn & pattern database for knitters and crocheters. Some of them are kind enough to share their patterns, or at least quote where they get the pattern. I mostly check out the flowers they make. I have no intention to crochet anything else like sweaters, hat or whatnot.
Well, that’s basically what I have been doing during the time I am not updating this blog, for those who wonder..heh!
found new hobby eh?
nice. you ARE getting better lah
my late grandma used to crochet everythng. and none of us took her ilmu. such a shame
fabmama, something to occupy my time while taking care of the little one..training him to play on his own now, so that bila dia nampak mama crochet he will think, oh mama has work to do, otherwise nak melekap je..
babybooned, that was like the 6-7 rose I crocheted, tu la nampak better tu..should see the first try..eh, you can always try crocheting, tak de susah mana pon..