The football season is coming soon. And somehow our son seems to be amused with the ball.

So in the spirit of being a supportive mom, I decided to buy him a real football. Well, the truth is I despise football, and really hate those who watch them for many different reasons – those lunatics are wasting time shouting and feeling emotional just watching games on TV or worse at mamak.
And I haven’t found a single man who gila bola yet at the same time gila-gila rajin bela anak bini, help do house chores, taking care of the children…correct me if I’m wrong but if you know one, please tell me!
So in order not to jinx it, I just give in to our son’s current interest..bukan dia tau pon org main bola for what kan.
It reminded me of the time when I was in primary school, really terpengaruh tgk Moero Attack to the extend of buy the bola tampar and practise kat dinding rumah..yikes! But I think such short fling was way better dari tergila nak masuk Akademi Fantasia, Mentor or whatnot. Nauzubillah, jauhkan la anak ku dari minat ke arah itu..
Son, I rather prefer you to be a computer geek, geologist, surgeon or astronaut..or any other profession yang bermanfaat dunia akhirat dan mendatangkan rezeki yang halal. Please no football or singing..huhu!
i know one
my other half. hes not football fan. but….crazy over motorsports dan criket. samala tu.