I was about to go to sleep when I stumbled upon a website National News Today that shares news and expert advice on all range of topics.

One interesting article that I happened to read is about farm direct organic apples.
Actually, I am a big advocate of organic products especially when it comes to fruits and vegetable. I try my best to buy organic vegetable every time I shop for my weekly supply. Yes, they are simply more expensive than the non organic products, but for the sake of my family health, I am willing to spend more.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if I am in the country where people can pick their own organic fruit of the month? One day I hope I would be able to go on a trip where I get the chance to pick my own apples from the trees..heh!
Anyway, I am not sure whether the local grocers have this Washington organic apples for me to buy and try. Local Malaysian farmers do have organic vegetable produce but not sure about fruits though, but I really want to taste the difference.
hun, hydroponic ok tak? what do u think?
err..got eh hydroponic apples in Malaysia?