Let Your Child Roam
Taurus vs Sagittarius
Your Sagittarius child is energetic and curious by nature and wants nothing more than to get out and roam the wide world. From an early age, he loves being outdoors regardless of the temperature or weather conditions, and he adores travel, even if it’s just a trip to the grocery store in a nearby town. But a camping trip or a visit to another country would be even better!
You appreciate your little one’s innate honesty, his sense of morality, and his happy heart, and while you’re certainly up for life’s many pleasures, you’re just not quite as adventurous as your child. Stable and grounded, you prefer the comforts of home to breaking away from what’s familiar to stretch limits and investigate ideas. But your Sagittarius child thrives on adventure, so give him his freedom and allow him to explore the boundaries of his existence.
Aries vs Sagittarius
You and your Sagittarius child make a great team. You’re both spirited types, always on the go, seeking the next adventure. You understand your little Sag’s need for freedom very well, and you gladly let him establish his independence. You’re even proud of the way he tests his boundaries. Besides, you’ve got your own trailblazing to do! Your best times together are spent out of the house, traveling, mountain-biking, or pursuing any other activity that combines physical exertion with thrills to keep you both engaged.
Remember, too, that your Sagittarius child needs ample mental stimulation as well as physical exertion. Take him to the library and the museum often, as fodder for his expansive, curious mind. Best of all, the fact that you’re both easily distracted shouldn’t be an issue. Your little Sag won’t mind following your lead, as long as you’re heading toward the next big experience.
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