We bought a roll of paper and a bunch of marker pens from IKEA just to start a simple toddler art time with our dear son.
So after the first introduction to the markers, here is the outcome.

The paper has been sprayed to make it acid free before I put them in this crackled frame. I hope it will last long until our son is big enough to appreciate his artwork that he did when he was 14 month old..heh!
Oh, if you notice the smiley character in blue with teeth protruding, Hubby drew that..what a way to become a child again!
bagus tu asah bakat…
sy lekatkan 1 kertas majong pd 1 sudut rmh utk anak2 meluahkan buah fikiran mrk
Bdk2 suka conteng kat mana2 je biasa dinding jd mangsa.
KLu asyik marah je nnt terbantut pulak
Bila mrk bosan je maka melukislh mrk ala2 mural gitu..asal bahagia jgn buat perkara x elok sudah lh…..
hahaha..ini betul2 luahan perasaan seorang anak seni..so cute..

my daughter “created” hers kat wall, takleh nak frame
btw, yg lukis orang bergigi dua sebelah kiri tuh, anaknya ker maknya? mahal tuh
yin, setakat ni tak de gaya lagi nak conteng dinding, tapi suka conteng kat muka..nak jadi red indian kot..
z, yg org biru bergigi dua tu abahnya yg lukis..kalau mama lukis semua corak bunga daun, sulur paut..hehe..