One comment

  1. kdg2, kita kena sabar n accept that we are not perfect, and the son is a living thing after all. there will be lots more days that we WILL think that kenapalaaaaaaaaa, tp insyaAllah, ok nanti tu.. anak2 aku pun clingy, stok anak kangaroo nye, hehe.. so aku paham sgt la apa ko rasa. bila ko rasa mcm nak mrh sgt2, depressed, just take a very2 deep breath n letak je dia kat tepi. biarla dia nak jerit kejap pun. go wash ur face, baca ayat apa yg patut. bila ko dah calm down, baru g kat dia blk. kena belajar jd pekak jap laaa. tu cara aku laa 🙂

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