This is my effort to write 3 things that make me happy (after reading a motivational tips on dwimaya blog last Friday)
Ok, let’s start with No.1:
My aunt and uncle was coming over on Sunday afternoon. So Hubby who woke up almost the same time as me and the little one, quickly grabbed his cup of coffee and started to clean up the house up and down. He came home the night before at 1:30am after the monthly release, bringing a pack of nasi goreng kampung for his starving wife. (That pack of rice is No.2 that makes me happy..I am always thankful for food that Hubby brings home)
No.3 : I came down to the kitchen after the little one finally fell asleep at 2:50am. Hubby offered to make me something to eat eventhough he has to wake at 8 am for work. We decided to eat the salami with the french loaf. Hubby cut and clean everything.
What would I do without you, Hubby? Who would pick up the trash and throw them out? Who will chase away the stray cats that came and pee in the laundry area? Who will wipe clean the floor when the little one accidentally peed? Who will open the ever tight bottles and jars for me?
I never realized the value of a husband until I quit my job and stay at home. Now that I have a child, I value my husband even more. For all my dosa-dosa from the last Raya till tonight, I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me hehe!
sweeettttt…this reminds me to learn to appreciate and be grateful for having the present him. stil, miss my past him so much.
mq, u r one lucky lady to have a husband who really caring and understand your bitter & joy being a housewife, businesswoman and bringing up a child on your own. you inspired me, really.
fabmama, i am such a lucky lady..hehe..
nann, we have to appreciate what we have in life
yeah, so true. just that sometimes i kind of losing it. and this post helps to refresh my memory.
whatever it is, you are indeed one lucky lady and i guess you have found the happiness you’ve been looking for. happy for you.