More About Beading

I have been researching on the design of beadwork to do on my baju raya this year. There are many pictures from other beaders that I have saved in the hard disk. So I showed them to Hubby and asked for his opinion..his comment…
“eeii serabutnya, macam macik2..tak cantik la..batu bulat2 besar nampak pelik..” isk isk..

So since my baju raya is like color of Rangooli, I was out of ideas on how to jahit manik on it..huh! I tried combining manik pintal with labuci and it looks tak berseri (I used the leftover of beads from the time I sew Niece’s wedding attire, the beads colors do not match my baju kurung tone very well.)

I can’t use manik tabur with bunga lalang design like above since the corak on the baju kurung is not plain.

In the end I think I have to make do with manik V design like the above picture since I only have just enough round beads with 2 colors that suit the baju…(ni kes malas nak beli beads baru tapi nak jugak jahit manik kat baju raya..isk!)

I even practised beading the pyramid design like above but it just looks gloomy. Next time I should have think twice when selecting the color, corak and kain for my baju kurung raya..huhu!

(Most of these pictures were posted in before, I haven’t beaded any new design to share since I have my son..isk!)


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