For those who wonder what’s keeping me quiet these few days, yes, we have moved to our own home and were not able to be online. Now that we have Maxis Broadband at home, I can finally update this blog.
The first choice was to get Celcom Broadband, but because it was hard to get the modem and gateway, we decided to take Maxis Broadband. After all I have been Maxis user for ages, the whole thing took less than an hour, and by the time we reached home from Sunway Pyramid, the line has been activated.
Even yesterday Hubby managed to work from home while supervising the laminated floor contractor. Hubby’s work space is now ready. Time to move in the work desk, the filing cabinet and his gadgets..keh keh. Pity there’s no air cond with less than 1 HP otherwise we could install one in his “bilik kerja”.
I am still waiting for Astro to call me to set the appointment to install the satellite dish..lembab la Astro ni…huhu! The normal TV reception is really, really bad and we have been surviving on TV3 bunyi-bunyian..(I have to layan Suria Kasandra at night..boring!)
Well, that’s it for now…Oh, great news, I got a Fagor dryer to help making my washing task faster and this Thursday, people from majalah Feminin & Famili is coming over to shoot step by step for bunga telur for their wedding related article..(apsal aku tak penah dgr pon majalah tu? huhu!)
Wah beshnya dah ddk rmh sendiri blh renovate ikut citarasa sendiri…tentu seronok ada ruang keje masing2 kan…
Smoga ceria n bahagia di rumah baru…
nak renovate tu kena tunggu ada bajet lagi la..tahun ni bajet utk rumah dah habis..tapi mmg best la bila dah ada rumah sendiri ni..hehe