Laboring On Labor Day!

Today is the 1st May, a public holiday for Malaysia. Despite the one day off for Labor Day (which leads to long weekend), Hubby was not at home. Instead he went to our new house (after he bought lunch for me..hehe!) to do the painting job, laboring himself in the hot sun..huhu!

The wiring men completed the messy task of hacking the wall yesterday, plastered everything and Hubby bought paints yesterday afternoon (with my insistence) to paint the wall back to the normal color. We did want to paint the interior to different color scheme but since we don’t have budget for that (and me being very choosy in picking out the color selection), we plan to paint the interior wall later.

Oh, the curtain from Macy is ready and hopefully by next week, once Hubby has cleaned the house, we can call the curtain team and let them hang the curtain up..yeay! After some discussion last night, we think we will go ahead with the plan to install 1.5HP air cond for the master bedroom. We might even buy a dryer so that I don’t have to go out and hang our clothes outside.

The thing is there are a lot of Indon and Bangla everywhere during daytime, doing defect rectification at other houses in the area. Taking safety precaution into consideration, buying the dryer will eliminate the need for me to go out and let myself be seen..huhu! So hopefully tomorrow we will manage to go out and scout for affordable dryer.

Well, that’s it for Labor Day update. I need to rush and take my shower while the son is taking his evening nap..heh! Enjoy your weekend, people!

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