Pushing The Limit…

I have very little patience these days…huhu! Especially to stupid and slow people..heh! I don’t know why but they really piss me off..it’s like hello!!! come on..which part of my explanation don’t you understand..huh!

We went light and fans shopping on Saturday. Before that we went to buy tiles for the washing area floor. The sales girl was fast in responding to my request, so I was happy. No waste on my energy and time. We chose the tiles, we paid, took the tiles from the warehouse into the car and off we went to the lighting shop.

Then it started to heat me up. The shop was crowded, other customers were terpekik terlolong, cakap mcm kat pasar borong, it was hot and the guy who attended us was like slow in responding. The last time we bought items there, he forgot to put in the light quantity as 2 sets so we have to go to the shop again and add another one in the new bill. Fortunately we need to add on some more items so it still serves the purpose of going to the shop for the second time. I had some confusion in choosing the fans (3 blades, 4 blades or 5 blades, remote, normal, color silvertone, grey, champagne, white?) and when I finally made my choice, when it was time to write the order bill, he said the chosen fans were out of stock. He was scared to confront me about it so he asked Hubby to tell me…adakah aku nampak sangat pemarah dan menakutkan masa tu? huhu!

It even pissed me off to see other people light hunting senyum2, gelak2 ada siap posing amik gamba dgn lampu dulu while I was rushing to settle the buying process..I guess I am really a type A personality after all. Anyway I do feel sorry for the lighting guy..he tried his best to control the situation, even offered me more free drinks..heh! All these “short fuse” moments really reminds me of the time I was working makan gaji, everyday balik mengamuk, thus the reason Hubby was happy that I finally decided to quit and stay at home..heh!

I’ll try to be more patient in the future, but at least I didn’t (and I pray to God that I will never) lash out my anger to my son.


  1. Yelah…saya baru perasan jenis macam nak cepat-cepat je skrg ni. Maybe kalau kerje fulltime lagi teruk..skrg ni pun dah macam xcukup tangan…tapi sebenarnya time management yg msh xbetul lg.

  2. bukan time mgmt tak betul, dah mmg byk benda nak diusahakan dgn masa yang tak sebyk mana..tu yg bila ada yg suka buang masa tu rasa mcm nak menyirap je darah tu..huhu!

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