Time flies..huhu..it’s almost middle of April. I sleep, wake up, tend to the baby, cook, wash, dine, watch TV, get the baby to sleep then I sleep and the routine continues again..
Oh, I found a good read about Fussy Baby here. It is long but has many informative guide. So if you have the time, feel free to read. I especially like this part : 7 THINGS PARENTS SHOULD KNOW ABOUT BABY’S CRIES. Hubby please read no.6.
Contrary to what people said, nurturing your crying child is definitely not a way of spoiling him/her. In fact if your baby is the high-need type, doing so will help him/her thrive even better. (Thriving means not just getting bigger, but growing to one’s potential, physically and emotionally)
So, note to myself, I am doing a right thing here by responding to my son’s cry promptly every time..heh! I for once are against the idea of cry-it-out method. Read the danger of it in here : The Shutdown Syndrome.
Well, that’s it for now. I better hit the pillow before the little one cries again..heh!
Kalau ikut buku Mirriam Stoppard, kadang2 parents tend to biar anak lelaki menangis sebab konon nak bagi tough, tapi sebenarnya boys or girls sama saja, you should not let your baby cries all the way
I personally don’t think that quickly pacifying – practically drop everything else that you’re doing
– a crying baby would spoil him/her in the future. Instead he/she would grow up trusting in you and would belief that their parents would always be there for them…
I’m reading another childcare book, this one lagi bagus, written by Tracy Hogg – Secrets of The Baby Whisperer..should have read this before I gave birth..
I’m currently applying the techniques of parenting she suggested for Spirited type of baby like mine..so far, 2-3 hari ni nampak ada byk perubahan positive..hehe