A Better Day

It seems that the colicky phase passed by more quickly than I expected. Thank God!

And I found new way to get more sleep (for me) at night. I let my son sleep on the bed beside me rather than let him sleep in his baby cot. Well, at least from around 2am till 9-10am. It makes the whole breastfeeding and soothing him back to sleep much easier. Then I move him back to his cot or Hubby take him down to sleep in the playpen.

But today he insisted to stay awake from 10am till 4pm, making the berurut and bertungku session quite a hassle. I have to put him beside me on the comforter while the kak bidan massaged me (have no choice since Hubby was busy cooking my lunch in the kitchen)

After that he continued sleeping, bathed him at 5:30pm, a quick feeding time right after I had my bath and bertangas and as of now at 9:30pm, he is still sleeping very peacefully. Not sure whether he will sleep throughout this night or will be awake (and keep me awake as well, huhu!)

At least I’m making a progress towards obtaining a more quality sleep despite being a new mom..heh!

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