It’s been a while since I last shared my craft work here. Well, consider this as my last work for this 2008.
The client finally decided to tie the knot this December so I have to finish up her bunga daun getah. This is supposed to be made in 100 stalks but since I am no longer fit to work the extra hours..hehe..I turn them into 50 pieces.

The picture shown above includes about 25 batang bunga telur. The design takes space so I rather not put the whole 50 stalks on one pahar. In a way the client can save some budget as she will only need to put 25 stalks on each side of her pelamin.
Wah, dah lama x cuci mata ngan hasil kerja tangan Farah….mudah2n client tu gembira ngan hsl kerja ni….take care
(br nk bljr buat sulam reben ni)…
salam,nak tanya u still amek tempahan tok bunga daun getah ni lagi ke?blh bagi quotation tak?tok 80pcs,thanks