Bunga Telur For Magazine Shooting

I received a phone call from a journalist from majalah Wanita asking whether I will be OK with photo shooting. No, they are not going to shoot story about me, they just need to take around 10 pictures of my bunga telur creations for their upcoming isu perkahwinan.

So since I have not done any latest design of bunga telur, I decided to do some last night. Just in case whatever in the collection is too berabuk (like Hubby said) or not up to their standard. After all I owe it to the magazine buyers to see what else Bungatelur.com could come out with rather than what I already uploaded on my website.

My friend from Bibah Songket insisted that I made a few bunga telur from her songket leftovers..ye la ye la nanti aku buat…hehe..but if I do the same design nanti look like the one we sent for Ratu Sehari magazine photo shoot pulak..adeih…I am trying to utilize whatever materials I have in possession now and with all this new bunga telur making, I have to mess up my living hall again..huhu!

Those magazine people are coming this Friday morning and now I think I really want the Indian grass cutter to come knocking at my gate..all the lalang in the lawn are as tall as the gate..time nak potong rumput ni tak de la pulak sapa2 lalu..time tak nak tu ada je yg dok ketuk2..

Will update more once the magazine photo shooting is done! Till then, I have to get back to all the messy stuffs..huh!

One comment

  1. Masih ada masa lg nk mengemas…
    Can’t wait your new creation…
    Si ibu kreatif insya Allah anak nnt pun lebih kreatif
    Take care

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