The Blue Bunga Pahar

Remember the bunga dip lily which I have been complaining about. At last I managed to complete 60 of them to be put at the bedside of the bilik pengantin.


At first we planned to cucuk the bunga pahar at the usual silver stand, but since the one sold in the market now is too light (can’t withstand the weight of the bunga pahar plus the boiled egg), I recommended the plastic stand used for artificial floral arrangement.

Plus, with the height of the plastic stand, the bunga pahar look more prominent and easier for those involved to pick them out and give to the guests.


  1. Wah, cantik…
    brp botol q-dip hbs utk 60 pcs bunga telur tu ye..
    Kdg2 takut nk terima order byk2 sbb xde manpower kecuali diri sendiri…

  2. Guna thinner, dlm 3 botol dip biru, kalau tak cairkan pakai thinner maybe dlm 4 botol..utk daun sebotol setengah dip putih..

    Mmg leceh nak siapkan bunga dip ni..tapi dah terima oder terpaksa la siapkan jugak..hehe..

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