I Know What You Did..

Anyone wonder what’s up with me last week? I was supposed to meet the upline for the unit trust on Tuesday to pay for the exam fee, sign up for the class and all, and we did settle all that. Thanks to my upline who drove me to the bank and to the Bangsar office. I even attended the ad hoc tutorial on the day itself even though I haven’t attended the actual class. It helped a lot actually to know what kind of questions will come out in the exam..(at least I know what to focus in my reading later)


I think if I can pass all the Engineering Maths papers during my degree year it should not be a problem to score the calculation questions (after all there are only 6-12 qs within that 60), provided I memorize the formula..heh! So early morning on Wednesday I went to Bangsar again to attend the CUTE class. I took the 8 am ERL and LRT, participating in the rat race of all the execs in KL office..hehe! What a tiring day indeed..huhu..I am so grateful that I don’t have to do that everyday.

It has been ages since I last attended a formal lecture and to tell you, it was such a bore…huhu..to actually sit tight and listen. Can’t think how I could survive more lectures like that if I were to do my MBA later. I still have about one month to read all the notes, which I must to make sure I pass the exam.

In the meantime, I have to list down things to buy for bunga telur making for May event. I will be going out to KL on Tuesday. This time I have to look for all things turquoise. I decided to accept one client for May and that’s all I will take. The rest I will focus on Hubby’s niece’s wedding in August – from hantaran to bunga pahar, from guest favors to jahit manik on the baju pengantin..as Hubby said what will SIL do without me..ceh!


  1. MQ,
    Amik exam utk jd agent trust unit ke? sorry klu slh teka but all the best to u…
    Dah tersusun jadual sepanjang bulan ni…me too rushing..everything enjoy the moment
    he 🙂

  2. a ah yin, dah lama nak amik exam tu, baru sekarang ada masa nak pegi kelas n sign up utk exam date..insyaallah akan diusahakan utk lulus 🙂

  3. nanako, ada buku ke utk exam unit trust tu? last time masa attend class dia bagi mcm module, kertas2 je..rasanya every year ada updated version..kena pegi register n attend kelas wajib tu dulu then baru tau apa yg perlu study utk pass..hehe..

  4. MQ,
    thanks for the info.. ingatkan leh la belek2 buku dulu ke, agak2 dh prepare br nk g class… in that case kena la attend class..

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