On Bubur Caca and Kuih Bakar

Yeah, you read it right, but I’m not going to share the recipes or any picture of the food mentioned above here. The parcel I’ve been waiting for is finally arrived. In the package, there is one pack of kuih bakar, kuih bakar kacang, popia not-so mini, some jejari bilis with real bilis inside and 2 packets of bubur caca (not the cooked one, anyway..heh!) I bought all those items from Pekan Rabu and the seller posted them on Monday using SkyNet. I love online shopping, who needs to drive all the way to Alor Setar now when you can just click and pay for all your orders..heh!

So tonight I will having few bowls of bubur caca as supper, those caca are already soaked, but I’m not sure how much the actual amount it will turn to after the soaking is done. Hopefully Hubby will not forget to buy the kelapa parut because I don’t think the bubur will taste that nice using santan in box.

Oh, I went out yesterday and gratefully it was not that hot or raining in Jalan TAR. I got all the ribbons that I need and even bought another brand of dip liquid to try for 30th December class. Actually I was tempted to buy all kind of colors they have in the shop but I have to limit my budget..heh!

Well, I’m still not sure what to cook for dinner, though Hubby suggested sambal telur last night. Malasnya nak blend the cili kering..huhu! But I already kopek the leftover of the boiled egg which I cooked for nasi lemak on Monday and planning to boil an additional one. Sambal telur pon sambal telur la..hehe!

One comment

  1. Farah, best nyer teringat kuih penaram Pekan Rabu tu tpkn hubby sy beli dl RM1.00 je tp dlm tu harga lain ler pulak…..dh naik harga kot
    Smp sekrg msk nasi lemak x lepas lg….kn pergi berguru ngan kwn kat hujung blok rmh ni….
    Yelah santan kotak ni xcukup umh…kn cr fresh santan gak….:)

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