It’s Rainy, Rainy Day!

It’s raining all day today (Monday)..huhu! And as much as I like to succumb to the cold wet weather, (makes the extra hour sleeping under the quilt just so cosy), it just makes me very gloomy inside and the fact that those laundry are not hot dried make me wish that the sun will come out soon. Monday is my laundry day so even though the Friday washing lines are not fully hot dried, ( I hang my clothes upstairs at the supposed to be TV area because I hate going outside to dry my clothes) I just have to move them out to make do for the new load of Hubby’s work shirts and my kaftan..heh!


Since tomorrow I will be going out to KL to buy ribbons for this Friday’s corsages order, if it’s still raining I don’t know how I will survive all the LRT and walking trip at Jalan TAR. I hate walking in the rain especially with loads of plastic bags full of fragile items. I really wish the sun will be up and bright tomorrow. Please God let it rain on Thursday when I am inside of my home, safe and sleeping like a baby, heh!

Oh, this pinkish gold flower, it’s the new design for my bunga stokin class this Sunday. Anyone feel like creating their own bunga telur, feel free to join my class. Details are available at website


  1. Salam Farah,
    Aku kat rmh ni pun sebakul dgn baju bdk2 berdua ni belum campur ngan ayah mrk lagi. Tp nsb baik verandah rmh ni dah berbumbung blh ler sidai kat luar.Then, bila malam sidai dlm dgn bantuan kipas angin.Esk, insya Allah dah kering.Tapi kdg2 ada jugak bdk2 ni ‘terbabas’.:)

  2. tu la yin, seb baik basuh kain utk dua org je..kalau dah beranak pinak baju tak kering sure tension..kalau kering tak garing pon mcm tak best nak pakai di badan..hehe..kena iron dulu bagi panas baru buleh lipat..heh!

  3. Penat pk mcm mn leh’terbabas’ je setiap malam rupa2nya dia bangun malam, minum air segelas kdg sampai 2-3 kali bangun sebb haus. Kantoi malam tau, that’s why ler tau penyebabnye. Hari ni pun ‘terbabas’lg nampak gaya kn pakaikan diapers ler tu.Tension hari2 bau ‘parfume’ tu…waaaa!!

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