The Gold Cream Bunga Pahar

As much as I wanted to go to the akad nikah ceremony on Saturday, I was too tired to wake up very early in the morning (the akad nikah started around 11:30am) and endured the 2-hour drive to Melaka. So in the end, I did not go to the ceremony..heh!

But my friend who was the make up artist for the day already sent me a photo of the bride, so at least I can imagine how beautiful she looked on the wedding day.

Maybe later once the official photographer for the event has finished developing all the wedding pictures, I can take a look and maybe get a few copies for my business portfolio. I hope the bride will get the digital copy of all the pictures since I am so lazy to scan the hard copies.


Anyway, this is one pahar of gold and cream bunga stokin I made for the wedding. This picture was taken before I packed the bunga pahar into a box before I delivered to the bride last Monday. I’m not sure how it looked like at the mini pelamin during the real event but my friend who was there said the bunga telur were really nice..hehe!


  1. salam..
    cantik la bunga telur tu..
    boleh tak terang kan tutorial cara-cara nak buat bunga tu..
    kalau senang ingat nak join jugak…

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