Hari Raya With Fever

I was down with fever since last Tuesday. This time it was the worst fever and sickness I’ve ever got myself into. It started with swollen tonsil, sore throat and high fever (I can’t even swallow plain water), then gradually as the fever subsided, it got replaced with mouth ulcer, terrible cough, phlegm, flu, cold and now lack of voice. I’ve taken all the medicine as diligently as possible, avoiding oily food and cold drinks and all, yet at night even without the air-cond (pity Hubby!), I find it very hard to sleep. I will be coughing till my chest hurts, and now as I write this, with the lack of sleep last night, I have headache as well..huhu!

Since I don’t have any voice, I can’t answer any phone calls and have to resort to SMS. Even talking to Hubby is like a chore. My loudest shout now is barely a whisper. Oh, God! Please heal me as soon as possible. Being sick is really an agony..huhu!

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