A Doctor or A Nurse?


I love watching Scrubs. It is hilariously funny and weird especially when they over exaggerate certain scene. But it makes me wonder what could happen if I take medical degree instead of engineering. Will I be a doctor now or I still end up being a homemaker after going through the 7 years journey of medical degree..hehe!

If you are still not sure which path of career you should take, perhaps a look at Health Education Program will give you some ideas. Check out the site at http://www.selectmedicalschools.com. I have a second cousin who pursued her studies in Nursing and now working in UAE medical center earning USD8k per month. Damn, I should have think twice when I submitted my application to further my studies 11 years ago.

Perhaps with the emergence of so many spas and beauty treatment centers in my local town, I should consider taking Massage Therapy Diploma Program. I might not be a doctor or a nurse, but I can still help heal the pain..hehe!

One comment

  1. Ya….betul tu. Klu dulu pk2 byk. Mungkin dah jadi lain skrg ni.
    Mcm my sis, dia amik optometry skrg dah keje kat GHKL.Oklah, bantu org baiki penglihatan.
    Penat belajar mcm2 prinsip chemical engineering akhirnya…

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