Searching For Student Loan Consolidation Information?

If you are looking for student loan consolidation information, then you should check out

I wish in my country there is such thing as student loan consolidation plan which would help people like me who have to borrow money in order to further our studies in college to get a degree to be able to pay the loan back without putting a toll on our existing financial burden.

Well, it’s like you have earned the degree you have been aiming for yet you come out into real post-degree life with debt overlooking your shadow every where you go, sigh! Who says life as adult is an easy path.


I have checked their online student loan consolidation page and it looks simple yet promising.

The benefits of the consolidated loan are many – the fixed interest rate, longer repayment term which means lesser amount every month, you are even eligible for cash rebate if your loan is $20,000 or more and get an additional 1% rate reduction after you make 48 on-time payments.

You should also check the different repayment plans they offer. For now perhaps I will go for the Income-Sensitive Payment Plan which is more suitable with the kind of income I get.

They also have spousal consolidation loans in which the monthly payments will be adjusted according to the combined monthly incomes.

I’m sure many people would like to pay back what they have borrowed but sometimes with the financial standing that we have in the early career life, the thought just seems too depressing to think about.

One comment

  1. Baca artikel ni buatkan kt teringat loan JPA yg sedang dibayar ni…..bertahun nak melangsaikan hutang. Rasa tak merdeka hidup dengan berhutang ni….

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