This Jeans Are Made For Walking

I always want to have a pair of Levi’s jeans. I told my husband that for many, many years I have been aiming to get one pair since before we got married but then my parents said it would be a waste of money to buy an expensive jeans and altered it to my short leg length..huhuhu..what a way to lower your child’s self-esteem, huh!

So I thought I would never deserve to wear a good jeans like that, ever in my life. I turned out buying common brand jeans (not that I have many for the past 15 years or so, about 4 cheap jeans that I could remember) because that’s what would suit a short girl like me..sob sob! So recently Hubby decided to be generous on me and bought me this pair of jeans.


It took me sometimes to try out about 5 different cut and style before I decided to choose this one. And the feeling of wearing it, just great! It fits just right and the material make you feel really comfy and confident. And of course I let the shop altered the length to my height.

Now I know why rich people wear designers clothing. It’s really worth the money you spend because this jeans are not only made for walking, it makes your heart flies higher in the sky as well.

Thanks Hubby! This jeans really make my day!

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