It’s Driving Me Crazy

It’s driving me insane with the slow pace of my Internet connection. I’m not sure whether it’s the connection or the location of the server that my blogs are hosted on. (Mind the accuracy of the technical language..I’m not a technical person by profession)

But it’s really frustrating when it takes some time for me to upload images to be inserted in my posts. I’m trying to do the max possible quota for the sponsored posts for the next 2 weeks before I start to work on my wedding crafts orders again but it’s really slow and I think I can write 3 posts while waiting for the page to save, publish and edit and whatnot.

Why do this thing happens to me? Can’t the whatever thing in the Matrix world of 010101010011 let me be happy writing and earning money….huhu! Luckily the time limit for each entry is 6 hours otherwise I could cry everytime I see how much I miss every night.

See, I don’t even have pictures to accompany this heart wrenching entry. I think I better sleep now so that I could cool off my overheated mind. Hopefully by tomorrow I’ll wake up fresh in better spirit of sponsored blogging..heheh..see ya tomorrow!

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