Money In, Money Out

When you are running a business there will be a lot of money coming in and out of the cash flow. Some things are paid cash on delivery. Some are on credit for certain amount of time. I tried to do 99% of my business on cash on delivery term with most of them requiring 50% deposit from clients.


At the moment I am waiting for few payments and I hope nothing will go unplanned. I am also diverting my business to another branch (still on IT and Craft) and will let you know when I am confident to go public about it.

For now I’m still learning the tips and tricks of the trade. Nevertheless I already have a regular client for the service I provided. The client has been encouraging me to advertise the service to public with the same need since I think in our place there is none who offer such service.

I just need to polish more skills before I advertise to others about it. In the meantime I also need proper tools and set up to make it more professional. But to the client, thanks for vouching for my not-so-strong-yet expertise for now..haha!

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