What’s The Interest?

*This post is written for SavingsAccount.com*

Ever wonder how much bank makes every year from our savings and loan they gave out to consumers? I never realized that until I went for a financial talk last week.

I think it’s about time that we as consumers be more aware about our financial situation and how we can actually earn more from our savings (instead of be satisfied with whatever is given on the plate).

While we are still on the topic of managing personal finance, you could have a look and compare online banking interest rates, savings accounts features and find a new savings account or checking account that earns more interest with SavingsAccounts.com

Do you know that by depositing your hard-earned money in certain bank’s account you could even get up to 6.00% of interest instead of the menial 1% you used to get.

Plus point, at SavingsAccount.com they also provide you with resources to gain more knowledge about managing your money. The articles are meant to help people like us understand online banking better and even help us saving more money to be put into that 6% high yield saving accounts. 🙂

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