I read about Lavender Tea in OrganicParade.com few weeks ago and I thought I would give it a try. I was having a great problem with my sleeping disorder that time to the extent that sometimes I can’t fall asleep at night at all and have to resort to sleep in the afternoon instead.

Whenever I think about lavender I always think about L’occitane Lavender products or Body Shop Lavender Aromatheraphy. I never imagine the taste of lavender tea in my mouth..huhu..
So I went to a local hypermarket ( I was having a get together dinner with a bunch of friends that night at The Chicken Rice’s Shop) and since there is no such thing as lavender tea on the shelves, I ended up buying this Dilmah camomile tea.
I made a cup that night but still nothing. I was wide awake until 8am the next morning and was asleep at 2pm. Miraculously after 2 weeks my sleeping disorder problem cured itself. In fact I am now a normal morning person. Oh, I didn’t drink the camomile tea again after that night. Must be my aging hormon problem that induce my sleeping problem..haha!
Hi, thx for dropping by my blog. Glad the chamomile turned out fine for you. If you ever come across this Tea Gallery called Kuyichai, you’ll be able to find Lavender Tea (flowers) there. That’s where i bought it. Not organic though. If you really want to try some out, i dont mind sending you some. Just drop me a line, k.
Thanks Samm for your thoughtful thought. However for now I think I dont have the guts to drink anymore tea fusion because they taste like flower..hehe..it’s weird because I can gulp down green tea but couldn’t drink all this flower tea..
Maybe if I use wild honey to flavor the tea it would taste better..I used normal sugar last time..but still it tastes like flower..
I think I will resort to Lavender Oil for aromatheraphy next time I have sleeping problem.
bought some Lavender tea at Teavana and it really does help you drift off to sleep.