I was listening to 8pm news on the TV last night while having dinner when they announce the plan to charge single driver into KL. I’m not sure whether it’s good or bad but hubby feels that for the state of traffic in KL nowadays, he would be willing to pay if that means he can drive smoothly.
I hate to go to KL, no matter on weekdays or it’s worse on weekend. All the main road leading to main attraction, the shopping centers, tourist attractions will be jammed and packed with zillions of cars, buses and cabs, not to forget the reckless bikers. It took us 2 hours to reach the Kompleks Kraf last time I wanted to visit the National Crafts Exhibition and Expo.
Check this news dated Dec 19, 2006 I found on the net when the congestion pricing and car-pool lanes proposal was done by KL Mayor. Read more about the feedback on implementing the peak hours congestion charges.
Usually if I really have to go to KL on my own, I will take ERL from Putrajaya straight to KL Sentral and take LRT to the next stop I intend to go. Once the train reached the LRT stop, I will walk to the shops I need to go. Of course in noon, the walking distance will be like miles away and it’s really, really exhausting especially when you have tons of shopping bags with you. But I rather do that than get stucked in the traffic congestion for hours.