Bunga Stokin Biru

Lately ada a few people yg contact nak tanya2 about bunga stokin and harga kipas cendana thru email yg MQ letak kat blog ni…rasanya those ppl search thru yahoo kot pakai keyword then come upon my blog..ada jugak yg tanya cara2 nak buat bunga stokin..MQ pon tak kisah nak share, ye la..ilmu kalau kongsi bukan luak pon kan..at least blog ni serve a purpose gak la, bagi org yg seek for info dpt tau benda2 yg related ngan minat diorang..so far kebanyakan info hal kraftangan ni MQ dpt pon thru forum, or fotopages org lain..tapi kalau kat fotopages jarang la org nak citer panjang..selalu setakat letak gamba utk diorang promo product n service…

kira having a blog ni as another alternative for people to know the existence of bungatelur.com, the main thing is to establish the brand name dulu..for me profit tu for the time being tolak tepi dulu la..when the time comes masa tu baru boleh pikir nak profit byk..sekarang yg penting org kena tau that I can deliver good service and provide the products that they want and within their budget.. hehehe..

so for those people who have contacted me, thanks a lot..your email, pertanyaan and whatnot really brighten up my day..it gives me perseverance to continue doing this wedding stuff biz..lepas ni kena lipat gandakan usaha lagi..do more sample and cari idea2 baru yg menarik..go bungatelur go!

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