Rehat Lagi…

Went to the office at 8:30am, the place was empty. Even the receptionist was not in yet. Then the project manager came out from the lift. She greeted me and asked how long I’ve been standing outside. It seems that most of the employees come in at 9am…

nvm, I followed her into the office where I’m supposed to’s empty…waaaa…not even the manager who interviewed me on Friday was there. Rupanya 4 managers dah pegi training kat France for 3 weeks….She then told me that there is another guy they hired last week, tapi since tak de benda nak buat, he was told to stay at home until next week.

Org HR bengang la masuk keje tapi dok rumah , mkn gaji buta..bukan salah kami…so next Tuesday baru masuk keje balik..the clients akan datang utk testing applications…my department uruskan fleet card utk Exxon Mobil…kira in a way new exposure la sebab my last employment dealt with online payment and money transfers queries, harap2 tak payah la nak kena call customer..boring la kena berhemah ni…dpt customer ok tak pe la..dpt yg tak paham bahasa..sakit jiwa tu….

so far baru ada 2 org utk buat testing tu, sorang lagi tgh dlm proses nak hire..ramai yg tak nak keje kat Cyberjaya…in fact hari ni project manager tu supposed to interview sorang, boleh tak dtg tu…tak tau la bila the process will go Live…kalau lagi lama lagi mati kutu la…tak pe la janji gaji masuk..cuma tak bagus la utk perkembangan minda kalau hari2 tak de keje nak buat…

well itu je la update hari pertama bekerja semula..baru nak rajin2 dah kena hambat balik…hehehe…

One comment

  1. wow MQ, what a first day at work! I remembered my first day at Taylor’s College, I was introduced to everyone, it was holiday at that time, so students were not around. First day was all about setting up my workplace, it’s a new place/post, so it required new setup.
    First day at TM, so sleepy cause no work to be done. Everybody’s eyes were just glued to the monitor, kinda scary, but I’m used to it now.
    All the best in finding the best in ur career.

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