Last Day of Freedom…

I went to KL on my own, on Monday right after I went to the new office to review the offer letter and signed it. I took the ERL and Komuter to reach middle of KL, walked in the hot sun to the panel clinic to do the medical check up. It’s been a long, long time since I went out alone. When I reached the clinic it was lunch time. Where should I go? Lunch? Alone? I was fasting, struggling to ganti all my puasa…Padan muka..suka sgt ganti last minit…

So in the end I decided to do some shopping..hey i need new pants, blouse, colourful tudung…hehehe..excuses to buy new clothing…people were out during lunch time not to eat but to grab anything nice at the mall…and I thought Mega Sales is over…I managed to find 2 pair of pants and a blouse, which when i brought home failed the QA and QC check by Hubby..ketat sgt la…macam mana nak pakai pegi keje camni?

Sometimes I dont understand why the clothings manufacturers produce all those skimpy and tight clothes…If a size S person like me tak muat, kalau org lagi berisi cemana? The blouse i bought is XL and still ketat, even for me..partly my fault sebab tak try…tapi fitting room tu pon mcm menakutkan je…nanti tgh try baju ada org skodeng cemana…

I also bought 2 colourful tudung, dah boring asyik pakai tudung bawal..ubah imej la pulak kan..pakai tudung long dpt cover dada ok la…my ex-colleagues Non-Muslim dulu penah tanya..why tak pakai tudung mcm Bienda..itu tudung utk berfesyen, bukan utk tutup aurat…it defeat the purpose of pakai tudung…ramai org salah faham, pakai tudung bukan utk cover rambut aje..kalau mcm tu org botak tak yah la pakai tudung kan..hahahha…

well enough said, lepas lunch hour over, berjalan la lagi ke klinik..almost one n a half hour baru semua selesai, the X-Ray, Urine test etc…glad everything settled smoothly…it was raging hot…terpikir mcm nak bukak puasa je..tapi dah pukul 4, alang2 je nak bukak…teruskan jugak….sampai rumah…seronoknya rumah ku yang nyaman…dah lama tak berpanas2 di tgh hari dan petang mcm ni..selalu tunggu kul 6 baru nak keluar rumah siram pokok…another reason why i hate working and love staying at home…

well, it’s for temporary, kumpul duit sebanyak yg boleh, dah cukup nanti leh berenti n sambung belajar…that’s my plan..see how it goes la, tiba2 ada chance for promotion…itu menarik tu..dpt naik to managerial position is a chance not to be missed, but as previous experience taught me jgn terpedaya ngan janji2 manis company MNC ni…you might never know how deep is the office politics…well for now, i’m preparing my mental to be back in working scene…

i’ll update soon about the office environment…one thing i like about this job, office dia next building to Hubby’s office, pagi2 boleh carpool, lunch pon boleh mkn sama..yeay..yeay..that’s one of the biggest perk that make me consider to work duit gaji byk la bersih….nanti i belanja u makan hujung bulan ni ek….hahahha..Bagan Lalang, here we come…nyum nyum….

One comment

  1. Wah so lucky gets office next to hubby’s! Pretty excited in starting different surrounding heh? Well, who doesn’t rite? Be it good-excited, anxious-excited, bad-excited, we’ll still be in that state.
    I hope everything goes well for u my dear.

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