Balang Kuih Raya 2012

I’m sure most of Muslims who have balik kampung to celebrate Hari Raya are now back in town running the old, daily routine. After all those with kids in school should be in school by yesterday since the school holiday is over.

I made this decoupage on the plastic container lids last week after I realized that the old bekas kuih raya I have are no longer air-tight. I have some leftover decoupage tissue from Ramadhan custom made plaques that I thought would look good on the lids.

It took me about 3 days from coloring the background, sealing the tissue to make sure that the varnish all dried up nicely. I couldn’t find a suitable material to be decorated as the balang kuih raya tray so I just use a white tray in my kitchen..haha!

Anyone interested to decorate their own plastic/glass container with decoupage technique, you can join my next decoupage class in October. Or you can order a custom made decorated containers from me. Please leave comment or email to farah[at]

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