Remember the photo shoot for a local newspaper that I’ve been talking about for the past few months. After giving up on buying the paper every Wednesday, it finally got printed this week.
I didn’t even realize until I noticed a sudden spike of visitors on my blog stat. I asked friends on FB and one of the distant relatives told me that my gubahan bunga stokin on kotak mengkuang did come out in Harian Metro, Wednesday 11 Jan 2012.
Hubby tried to search online but the article didn’t have pictures. He went to the nearest newspaper kiosk in his office and luckily there were still copies of the day before papers..and he bought 3 copies..hehe!
Here is the picture of the newspaper clipping, I am yet to scan the original.
If the editor doesn’t reject it all, there will be 3 more of my gubahan hantaran to be featured in that segment.